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*                        Multiplication

 exp1 * exp2             Multiplication (binary operator)
 exp1                    any expression
 exp2                    any expression

    * performs multiplication. Two examples:

           i = 6 * 7;           # i == 42
           x = 3.4 * 5;         # x == 17.0

/                        Division operator

 exp1 / exp2             Real division
 exp1                    Any expression
 exp2                    Any expression not equal to 0

    The / operator performs real division, yielding a real result.  For
    example, 22.0 / 5.0 is 4.4.

    If both expression are integer, / performs integer division, and yields
    an integer value.  For example, 22 / 5 is 4.

%                        Modulus operator

 x % y                   Produces the remainder when x is divided by y

    The % operator produces the remainder of x divided by y.

           z = 10 % 3           # z = 1

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson